Thursday, July 15, 2010

Top 3 Reasons Betty White is Like Bacon

1.Betty White and bacon are both salty.

2.Betty White and bacon are both ubiquitous.

3.Betty White and bacon improve whatever they're in.

Read more about Betty White and Bacon...  
Is Betty White the Bacon of 2010?
My morning radio guys were recently discussing the ubiquitous Betty White, the 88-year old actress who seems to be on every TV show these days except the late night test pattern. One of them said, "I think there could be such a thing as too much Betty White. She's like the bacon of 2010." Read more... from Associated Content.

Bizarre Bacon: 12 Weird Bacon Products You Won't Believe
If there is one food I worship, it's bacon. Oh, man! Is there anything that beats the aroma of smoky strips sizzling in a pan? If I could eat bacon with every meal I would — and I'm not alone in this passion. Obsessed food bloggers stir it into cereal (!) while shops like Rehoboth, Delaware's famed Udder Delight scoop out their bacon ice cream by the gallon. Read more... from Delish.

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